Motion graphics, pure and simple. 

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Update - October 2021

With Keystudio Towers able to operate from home base, there has been no real disruption due to the pandemic crisis. Projects have continued to come in from regular and new sources.
Lots more work for the education sector and with more video content required for the NHS, work for local health authorities has been undertaken. Important promo work for an American video streaming company was complimented by a further set of cartoon animations for the Oxford University Press. Frames from a couple of these projects can be seen below.

ABOVE LEFT: Frame from 'MIMIC Promo' for The Switch Corp, through GYG Partnership.

ABOVE RIGHT: Action frame from interactive installation at Rufford Abbey for T3 Entertainments, on behalf of Lagoon Media Ltd.



October 2021

Well, the lockdown is easing, but as we all - kind of - believe, its only the end of the beginning. As the whole world resets the way it operates under the shadow of COVID 19, all of us in the media industry stand terrified at the prospect of an unprecedented economic downturn. Usually, firms of all size downsize, look to their budgets and gather everything in-house to reduce costs, simply for survival. But the wise know that at some point, someone has to make that move - to begin probing out into new markets and in new ways. Will our industry be quick enough on its feet and be more open to new approaches? Sadly, this might be the end for the big agencies and post-production houses, and London's Soho media heartland - which has been contracting for a decade - may even disappear into the ether. Good, it was always overpriced and overhyped. But when you can make a marketable movie - film, edit, grade - on a smartphone, you know things have changed. Now, we change too. Can we still afford to be artisans with low overheads and superfast broadband? I wonder if I can get away with calling myself The Mill?


Andy is reading:  Taschen's 'The Making of Stanley Kubrick's "2001 - A Space Odyssey"

Andy is watching:  Those Pesky old Trade Test Colour Films that used to be shown on BBC2 in the early days of colour broadcasting. Crackers, all of them.

Andy is listening to:  Pat Metheny. Proper jazz.